ADBL Hard Cut polishing compound is an extremely versatile cutting paste s an innovative composition. It allows the removal of deep scratches from the surface of the paint. It’s a modern polishing compound of the highest quality, which will easily deal s tarnishing from sandpaper s P1000 - P1500 gradation. The final effect of scratch removal a the level of gloss can be modified by choosing the práva polishing pads a machines matched to the type of paint. Homogenous grain of the abrasive material, tenfold smaller than conventional ones allows for a very vysoká level of cutting a vysoká gloss. Vysoká efficiency of polishing a nízká level of dusting is possible thanks to the used technology which significantly shortens the working time on the surface. ADBL Hard Cut can be used s all types of paints both original a re-painted. Apart from very good cutting power, it also leaves a smooth finish. The water-based formula does not contain silicones, fillers a waxes, which has a great effect on the removal of leftover paint as well as dust generated during work. It leaves a transparent film which makes it possible to inspect current work progress. Pleasant scent will make even the longest working time enjoyable. ADBL Hard Cut is a universal polishing compound, made to work s a rotary as well as a dual-action polishing machine which can be used s wool, foam or microfiber polishing pads. Thanks to a very good finish, in case of harder paints, s the appropriate selection of the pad a the machine, it can be used as a one-práh paint correction method. ADBL Hard Cut important features : Removes tarnishing from P1000-P1500 paper. Shortens work time. Leaves a vysoká level of gloss. Contains the highest quality homogenous aluminium oxide. Does not contain silicones, fillers or waxes. Pleasant scent. Easy to use. Works s Rotary/DA machines a wool/foam/microfiber pads. Ultra-efficient a nízká-dusting. Water based – easy to removal.
ADBL je evropský výrobce vysoce kvalitních produktů pro péči o automobily. Značka rychle získala uznání mezi nadšenci auto-detailingu a stala se jednou z hlavních volb pro profesionály. Síla značky ADBL spočívá v inovaci. Produkty, které vyrábí, mají pečlivě vyvinuté, unikátní formule, které jsou vysoce účinné a bezpečné. ADBL také vyrábí příslušenství, lešticí stroje a další užitečné nástroje, poskytující všechny potřebné prvky pro komplexní čištění automobilů. Všechny produkty značky jsou vyvíjeny ADBL od A do Z - od počátečního konceptu, přes složení až po design obalu. Ať už jste začátečník ve světě detailingu nebo odborník, kvalita těchto produktů vás jistě nezklame.