
ADBL Kolo Cleaner Nastavit - SADA NA ČIŠTĚNÍ KOL

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ADBL Kolo Cleaner Nastavit - SADA NA ČIŠTĚNÍ KOL

ADBL KOLO CLEANER NASTAVIT is a practical nastavit four products for cleaning tires a rims. ADBL TIRE A RUBBER CLEANER is designed for tires a rubber elements. It is an effective product that immediately penetrates a separates dirt a residue from the surface. It also effectively degreases, leaving the tire clean a ready for the application of new dressing. For convenience a speed, it has been enriched s ingredients that facilitate rinsing a drying of the cleaned elements. When combined s the ADBL TIRE BRUSH, it creates a convenient a indispensable duo for cleaning tires. ADBL VAMPIRE SWETLO takes care of the rims. It is a neutral gel for daily cleaning of all types of rims. It effectively removes brake dust a current operational pollution. ADBL VAMPIRE SWETLO has a quick action time of 3 to 5 minutes. Thanks to carefully selected components, it is completely free of the unpleasant odor characteristic of such products. The new formula is also much gentler on alloys s iron additives. When used s the ADBL ROUND DETAILING BRUSH, it allows you to remove stronger dirt from hard-to-reach places. Nastavit contains: 1x ADBL TIRE ADND RUBBER CLEANER 0,5 l 1x ADBL TIRE BRUSH 1x ADBL VAMPIRE SWETLO 0,5 l 1x ADBL ROUND DETAILING BRUSH #12

1.49 kg
Vyrobeno v EU

ADBL je evropský výrobce vysoce kvalitních produktů pro péči o automobily. Značka rychle získala uznání mezi nadšenci auto-detailingu a stala se jednou z hlavních volb pro profesionály. Síla značky ADBL spočívá v inovaci. Produkty, které vyrábí, mají pečlivě vyvinuté, unikátní formule, které jsou vysoce účinné a bezpečné. ADBL také vyrábí příslušenství, lešticí stroje a další užitečné nástroje, poskytující všechny potřebné prvky pro komplexní čištění automobilů. Všechny produkty značky jsou vyvíjeny ADBL od A do Z - od počátečního konceptu, přes složení až po design obalu. Ať už jste začátečník ve světě detailingu nebo odborník, kvalita těchto produktů vás jistě nezklame.

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ADBL KOLO CLEANER NASTAVIT is a practical nastavit four products for cleaning tires a rims. ADBL TIRE A RUBBER CLEANER is designed for tires a rubber elements. It is an effective product that immediately penetrates a separates dirt a residue from the surface. It also effectively degreases, leaving the tire clean a ready for the application of new dressing. For convenience a speed, it has been enriched s ingredients that facilitate rinsing a drying of the cleaned elements. When combined s the ADBL TIRE BRUSH, it creates a convenient a indispensable duo for cleaning tires. ADBL VAMPIRE SWETLO takes care of the rims. It is a neutral gel for daily cleaning of all types of rims. It effectively removes brake dust a current operational pollution. ADBL VAMPIRE SWETLO has a quick action time of 3 to 5 minutes. Thanks to carefully selected components, it is completely free of the unpleasant odor characteristic of such products. The new formula is also much gentler on alloys s iron additives. When used s the ADBL ROUND DETAILING BRUSH, it allows you to remove stronger dirt from hard-to-reach places. Nastavit contains: 1x ADBL TIRE ADND RUBBER CLEANER 0,5 l 1x ADBL TIRE BRUSH 1x ADBL VAMPIRE SWETLO 0,5 l 1x ADBL ROUND DETAILING BRUSH #12

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